Tag Archives: Busty Girl Problems

Interview with Rampaige (Busty Girl Comics)

31 Aug

Busty Girl Comics is a series depicting the problems and perks that come with being a woman with a larger chest by Rampaige (aka, Paige Halsey Warren). The series has grown popular due to it highlighting an otherwise little-known set of issues but mostly because it is consistently funny. In addition to comics, Rampaige’s website also provides a lot of information for busty readers as well as promoting body acceptance and tolerance.

Why did you decide to make Busty Girl Comics?
I made the first comic one night after realizing that none of the cute t-shirts I was looking at online would look even remotely the same once I had them on. I posted it on my personal Tumblr and, after getting a warm reception for it, I kept getting ideas for more. By the next day I started a Tumblr specifically for BGC

It sounds as if it began as a small project but grew into something much larger. Are you surprised by the success it had?
Ooh yes. It started as a way to vent my frustrations and as more people came to me with stories or looking for advice it grew into a community. It’s overwhelming sometimes but it’s been wonderful!

What is your creation process?
I have little scraps of paper and notes everywhere with ideas to get me started. Then I draw the title and start sketching. I use Paint Tool Sai and a Wacom Bamboo from start to finish. Actually, I’ve Livestreamed a few comics if you’d like to check them out here.

The comic is very light-hearted, treating the problems and perks of being busty in good humour. Have you had the idea of body acceptance in your comic and do you feel your comic has contributed towards body acceptance?
Absolutely. Everyone has the right to feel comfortable in their own skin. I like to think (and I’ve received countless messages confirming this) that my comics and the compilation of resources on BGC have helped a lot of people either learn to love the bodies they have or become better informed on how to find their ideal body.

What has the response from readers been like?
Overwhelmingly wonderful. I get lots of messages from people either thanking me, telling me their stories, or looking for some friendly advice. I just wish I could answer them all.

You interact a lot with your readers: listening to suggestions, answering questions, sharing links. How important is it for webcomics to allow for interaction between creator and readers?
Well, my webcomic is anecdotal and references an underrepresented topic so building a network of discussion and resources seemed natural and necessary. I don’t think it’s necessary for all webcomics, though. For most comics, especially long format fictional ones, there’s a special kind of novelty and thrill with finally getting to know the person behind the magic when you do encounter them at conventions and signings.

As a guy, I imagine I am not the intended audience, but I still have found the comic to be accessible and funny despite this. Why do you think the comic has found success outside it’s demographic of busty girls?
Who told you you aren’t the intended audience? Sure, you might not be able personally but you can still appreciate comics and appreciate the situations that the characters get into. Some of my favourite messages are from people who are either small or non-breasted who tell me how much happier they are with their size now or how they finally have an idea of what their larger breasted friends and relatives go through. I love that!

Any comics that have been favourites of yours?
Probably the smelly underwire one and the hands-free towel one. One is painfully true and the other is just plain awesome.

The comic has been running for quite some time now, do you feel you are going to run out of busty girl problems any time soon?
I’d like to at least make it to comic #364 (I’m at #192 today) but I know that I won’t be able to keep this going forever. I’ve been brainstorming ways to at least keep the site alive though, even if I have to post less frequently, so new readers can find the resources and support they never knew they were looking for.